Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I've decided that I'm not a very good blogger! Once a month isn't working very well. I feel like I should "catch you up" on my life, but there's really too much to say to do that--so then I don't write at all! :-)

I went to the ENT Doc today and was diagnosed with LPR Reflux. This is a type of acid reflux that effects the throat and voice box/vocal chords. I've had a scratchy throat and voice since I lost my voice completely back in Oct. And I have a granuloma on my vocal chords. Treatment--acid reducers, and from what I'm reading online, possibly vocal rest. The Doc didn't say I HAD to have vocal rest, but it keeps coming up in my research, so I"m thinking that it would probably be a good thing for me to do, but I'm also thinking that vocal rest will be pretty hard for me! How can Matthew understand that Mommy won't talk to him???? And singing--Singing is such a big part of my life! It's what I do when I am happy, when I am sad, when I'm lonely, when I'm excited, when I'm filled with thanksgiving--All the time! So much of the time, it's my communication with God! This could prove to be rather difficult.

Until next time--whenever that might be.....

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