Wednesday, September 9, 2009

school days 2009

We've now settled in to a good routine for school. Jenna is a junior this year, doing Sonlight 400 ( I think--it's the American Government core), Algebra 2, finishing up Chemistry, and doing lots of music and art. She loving all the great literature that she gets to read this year! She's had a slight interruption this week as she had her wisdom teeth out last Fridayand is still a little sore and swollen.

Clarissa is in 8th grade. We're re-doing Core 5 as we didn't do very well on the Eastern Hemisphere Explorer the last time, 3 years ago, (and Rebecca was too young and needs to do it). She's finishing up General Science, and will move into physical science in a few weeks. For math, she's doing Algebra 1.

Rebecca is in 6th grade. She opted to use Abeka's math this year and is somewhat regretting that decision. She thought a workbook would be easier than Saxon. She's doing Apologia Astronomy and is loving it. Her balloon model solar system in the basement is great. As she was blowing up the balloons she thought it was pretty funny to say that she "blew up the sun."

Meredith is going to preschool at our church. My dad is her teacher, which is way cool! I love that my dad went from being "Dr. Gillett "as a university prof. to being "Mr. Bill "the preschool teacher. He's made the trasition well!

Matthew? He's just a wild and crazy interuption to our whole morning--and he's my absolute joy! He's constantly making me laugh! He turned two a couple of weeks ago.

I'm hoping for a "normal" school year. Just what is normal? No babies being born, no moving, no health problem, no major interuptions. It's been a while since we had a normal year...

1 comment:

Luke Holzmann said...

Sounds like things are going well! May this be your best year of homeschooling yet--even if one math program isn't quite right [smile].
