Monday, November 30, 2009

a short update

Wow, I'm not a very good blogger! It's been a while since I've been on here!

The major project that has kept me from blogging was "Scrooge, the Musical." The 3 oldest girls and I were in this show at Ozark Actors Theatre. I was the Ghost of Christmas Past, and the wine merchant (kind of a funny role for me since I don't really know much about wine. Just goes to show you what a great actress I am! LOL!). Clarissa was Martha Cratchit, Jenna was Miss Dilber and Mary, and Rebecca was an urchin. We started rehearsals back in October, and had 10 performances, Nov. 12-22. It was great fun, but basically took up our entire lives during a 3 1/2 week time period, so I'm glad that life is getting back to "normal"--whatever that is!

Jenna, Clarissa and I went to Harding for homecoming in Oct. It was my 20 year reunion. Guess what the homecoming musical was this year! "Scrooge, the Musical." It was rather strange watching it, as we had already started rehearsing. It was great to see so many friends from my college days, HUF, Chorus (chorus reunion is always a favorite activity! so fun to sing those songs from long ago!) and friends from Kansas City too. It was a fast and furious trip so as to only miss one day of rehearsal back here in Rolla.

Thanksgiving was fun. We went to Kansas City to see my 90 yo. Grandmother, Aunts, Uncles, and a few cousins. Did a little black Friday shopping--but I DID NOT get up at 4 am! We left the house about 9:30, and guess what! the stores were not sold out of all the good stuff!

enough of an update for now.

1 comment:

Amy Q said...

about time for another update?