Monday, August 18, 2008

School days

We are two weeks into school and so far so good. Jenna is still finishing up Biology from last year, but she should be ready to start Chemisty by the first of September. We're doing American History this year, with Jenna doing sonlight 100 and Clarissa and Rebecca doing 3+4. I love our "together" time at the beginning of the day. We tend to get way off schedule due to our lively conversations--but I figure that is why we homeschool, good family discussion on important issues!

Matthew will be one next Sunday. He is walking more than crawling now--and climbing a lot too!! He's climbing up the step stool as I type, but he knows how to get down too. Not true for the stairs. He LOVES climbing to the top, but he doesn't know how to come down. Therefore we try to keep the gate closed---but we do forget quite often! He's learning to wave bye bye--and can almost say it. His favorite word is "gish"--it means "fish." The fish are part of why he likes to climb the stairs--they reside in Rebecca's room.

1 comment:

Luke Holzmann said...

Oh my. One of my nephews loves to climb stairs. I spent one vacation just walking up and down the stairs to make sure he didn't fall. [smile]

Good times.
