Monday, February 23, 2009


Today, I spent a few minutes in the storage room, searching, searching.... I've been looking for my green Bible, the one that Kenny gave me for Christmas in 1992. It is an "old friend." The Bible that has a worn out cover, pages that turn easily because they are wearing thin, and lots of love in it! I hadn't seen it since we moved 3 months ago, despite numerous hours in the storage room, looking. With it would be our school prayer journal. Each morning as the girls and I pray together, we record our prayer requests in this journal. We've been using the same one for over three years, so I have been distressed to have this "history" missing!

But today--I FOUND THEM!!! They were buried under some "junk," the kind of stuff I didn't think needed to be rummaged through. It's been a Happy Day! My one sorrow is that now, our prayer journal is missing 3 months of prayer requests and answers. We've started a new journal during these 3 months, but it's not the same. I love going through the old one, seeing the prayers answered and remembering the issues we've prayed about. A precious possession!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Good thing you found them. :) That's really precious . . . memories like that are the best kind!
