Friday, April 30, 2010

Jenna said that I am a bad blogger (no great revelation there!). So I'm updating today, simply so I can tell her that I blogged THREE times in April! :-)

Jenna has decided that she would like to learn to play the cello (she said it is a NEED, not a WANT). So she needs a cello to play. Anyone have a cello they would like to sell, cheap? :-)

We will be celebrating Mother's Day a week early this year. Mother's Day weekend is a great time to go camping, so I'm cooking dinner for my mother THIS Sunday, instead of on the nationally recognized day. Who says we should honor them only on a certain day? We should honor them ALL the time! Jenna asked me if she can use my debit card to get part of my mothers day gift.... hmmm....I'm not sure how I feel about that! :-) She's never written a check to anyone except for me. I give her cash, she writes me a check. I need to get her a debit card that debits HER account!

1 comment:

miss jenna kay said...

I don't think very many people read your blog, mom...and, out of the people that do read it, I doubt that any of them have cellos they'd like to sell. Thanks for trying, anyway...:)